Illnesses and Injuries.
No activity is without risk... some may give your kukuri a illness or a wound and those things need treatment. This page will tell you exactly how to treat your kukuri (even if you're not a doctor)!
Heal an illness or injury here
Check the wounded and ill kukuris
Your Kukuri has a small chance of getting ill from activities (hunting, gathering, excavating or traveling). When your Kukuri gets ill, there's a week long cool down before its negatives take effect.
The effects of the illness will be applied only for the new entries that are posted after the grace period is over. The entries in the queue are not affected by the illness.
Your Kukuri can continue doing activities, but has a 50% chance of the flu evolving in to pneumonia for every activity it's in.
Healed with: Medicine
Your Kukuri cannot take part in activities or breedings before this disease is healed.
Healed with: Antibiotics
Your kukuri can continue doing activities, but has -50% on all of their loot-rolls.
Healed with: Medicine
Your Kukuri can continue doing activities, but has 40% chance of evolving an infection for every activity it takes part in, and 70% chance of infecting other kukuris doing activities.
Healed with: Medicine
Your Kukuri can continue doing activities, but has a 50% chance of the flu evolving in to pneumonia for every activity it's in.
Healed with: Medicine
Your Kukuri cannot take part in activities or breedings before this disease is healed.
Healed with: Antibiotics
Your kukuri can continue doing activities, but has -50% on all of their loot-rolls.
Healed with: Medicine
Your Kukuri can continue doing activities, but has 40% chance of evolving an infection for every activity it takes part in, and 70% chance of infecting other kukuris doing activities.
Healed with: Medicine
Horn infection
Your Kukuri has 50% chance of losing it's horns for every activity it takes part in. This hornless trait is not inheritable.
Healed with: Antibiotics
Your kukuri has -5 defense as long as it has this disease, and for every activity it takes part in there's a 40% chance of this disease being cured, but the -5 becoming permanent.
Healed with: Antibiotics
For every activity your Kuku takes part of there's a 50% chance of it becoming deaf and needing blindness/deafness training.
Healed with: Antibiotics
For every activity your Kuku takes part of there's a 50% chance of it becoming blind and needing blindness/deafness training.
Healed with: Antibiotics
Partial paralyzis
Your Kukuri cannot take part in activities or breedings before this is cured.
Healed with: Healing potion
Your Kukuri has 50% chance of losing it's horns for every activity it takes part in. This hornless trait is not inheritable.
Healed with: Antibiotics
Your kukuri has -5 defense as long as it has this disease, and for every activity it takes part in there's a 40% chance of this disease being cured, but the -5 becoming permanent.
Healed with: Antibiotics
For every activity your Kuku takes part of there's a 50% chance of it becoming deaf and needing blindness/deafness training.
Healed with: Antibiotics
For every activity your Kuku takes part of there's a 50% chance of it becoming blind and needing blindness/deafness training.
Healed with: Antibiotics
Partial paralyzis
Your Kukuri cannot take part in activities or breedings before this is cured.
Healed with: Healing potion
Like diseases, scars can appear with a small chance from activities. However, they can also appear from breedings when something goes horribly wrong. They can also occur when battling in the Coliseum and some can cause more harm than others.
Small Scar

Healed with: Bandages
If a small scar is not healed within a month, an admin will place a scar on your Kukuri (decided randomly from the pre-provided scar pack). You may also decide to place the scar yourself, if you do not wish to heal it.
Large Scar

Healed with: Stitches
Healed with no scars left behind: Stitches + Healing potion
A large scar has a 50% chance of causing an infection for every activity the kukuri takes part in. If left unhealed, causes infertility if caused by breeding mistakes.
May have additional conditions.
If you desire to keep the scar, check our item guide on what are the allowed ranges!