Carnival of life 2024

Carnival of Life, known as the blood mettle in honor of a forgotten God, following traditions lost in time. It had been quite some time since Life was defeated in battle, and with kukuris and people alike the excitement for a chance to see her new form was almost touchable.

In the endless void, the lights swirled around Death, who herself shone like a beacon in a dark ocean. In front of her, between her reached out wings as if in a gentle, touchless hug, was a tiny speck of light. Compared to the others flying around, it was dim, colorless, and motionless.
"Fear not sister, for do you not see all they've done to welcome you back. To welcome you home."

The dim light flinched, and for a moment more was silent before it spoke in an unsure and hoarse voice. Compared to Death's soft and gentle voice, even in its sad state the voice was strong and commanding, and frequently caused jitters in the nearby lights.
"I never knew of this place... of thine place. Is this what it is for living to end? It's warm and comforting yet I feel such unease, as if mine heart is pulled down and throat strangled. A pain greater than the one I felt on your attack."

Death tilted her head, thoughtful, before delicately bringing her head closer to give the little speck of light a gentle boop with her nose.
"This place is not for unease, for here you do not feel at all. But you, sister, do not belong here. Here you do not progress, nor experience new, nor improve. Here is what you are, nothing more, nothing less."

She pulled her head back, and smiled - such warm and authentic smile, much unfitting a God and instead someone who's looking at her sister after a long, long while.
"But that's not what life is about, is it?"

The coliseum was full of life, excited chattering, and kukuris doing warm up spars. As Death descended from the skies, an excited hush fell over the area. In her usual soft manner she landed on the ground, and tucked her wings slightly in front of herself as if whispering to something in-between them. With a powerful motion she then threw her wings open, spinning sand and dust into air in what seemed to be a controlled, spiraling motion. And within that motion, a spark appeared, first dim, and as if taking a deep and careful breath in, a sudden spark. Almost too bright to look into, with prismatic colors reflected around it before it backed down enough to be tolerable to look at. And somehow, while being only a light, it felt like it opened its eyes. It... She took a deep, audible breath.
"I... Am Life. Long ago I chose to observe the living, learn alongside them, courage them at their lowest. Somewhere along the way, I forgot to treasure the fleeting moment which it all was contained in. I..."

The light turned behind it, as if sadly looking at her sister. Death's motion was small, almost unnoticiable, but a nod. Life's light motioned back to the crowd, then pressed slightly down. A bow?
"I am... I'm... sorry."

The crowd was silent, for almost uncomfortable amount of time. While Life's light did no motion to appear lifting herself, the light felt trembling as if in fear. Yet in the same moment she took a breath to speak again, the crowd erupted in cheers, claps, kukuris howling and shrieking in encouragement. Life's light flinched up and back, feeling tense at first, and then relaxing. Observing the crowd for a while in stunned silence, and then... a warm, hearty chuckle which then erupted into laughter.

Life had returned, and it was time to bring back the true traditions of Carnival of Life - and restore her true form as well.

Week 2 Countdown:

October 20th, 2024 - 11AM PST, 9pm UTC+3


Each entry will help bring Life back to her physical, true form. It will take a team effort!

General Rules

► You may only participate in one fight per week (collab or solo).
►►► You may not join a collab if your one entry of the week has been done.

► You may use a starter if you do not own a Kukuri yet.

► Rewards will be redeemed at the end of the event.

► Familiars, other kukuri, handlers and import pets may be present but may NOT actively help their kukuris fight. The kukuri must fight under their own power.

► The entry must be posted in your gallery. No entries.

► With collabs, only one person has to post the image. It will count for both of you.

► Only 2 people may participate in the collab (You and a partner)

► All Kukuris can use magic in the event.

► While we will post comments with links to entry rolls for you, it is good practice to save links for every entry so that you can easily redeem awards at the end!

Magic Rules

► Your kukuri is allowed to portray magical powers in entries! As long as it's clearly magical, it's allowed (for example elemental powers like fire, water, ice, earth, lightning, darkness, light, poison, wind etc). You can't fully cover your whole kukuri in an element, only partially (we still must be able to tell which kukuri it is). Limbs and horns can be covered in elemental power as long as the kukuri is otherwise recognisable

► Kukuri is not allowed to portray extra body parts like wings, tentacles, extra limbs, extra tails etc. Furthermore, your kukuri cannot erase limbs using elemental powers.

► Your kukuri can create illusion of itself, but not fully visible clone. We must be able to tell which kukuri in the entry is the real one, so make the other one magical! We also allow spiritual and ghost forms

► Kukuri is allowed to be able to fly, but it must have visible visual effects other than floating in air
► Your kukuri can't shrink or enlarge in size!

Art Rules
► Both Kukuris must be full bodies (75% showing)

► Colored, and shaded with a background

► The fight must occur within one of the arenas (pictured below)

► The image must meet the requirements of the chosen trial.
This means if a trial calls for a maze, or other environmental changes, they must be depicted

Literature Rules
► Entries should be a minimum of 1000 words (solo and collab) - for every additional kukuri beyond those required, an extra 500 words are required.

► Both Kukuris should be presented fairly evenly

► The fight must occur within one of the arenas (pictured below)

► Over 50% of the word amount should be concentrated on the chosen trial

Trials of Life

During this Carnival your goal is not purely on besting your opponent, but rather to show Life your resiliance and willpower. This will be done through the given Trials. Each one is meant to show off some aspect of physical or mental strength, so gather your wits and pick your trials carefully!

► You may complete a trial twice but no more.
► Not all trials require a second kukuri to be present. Each trial mentions if this is possible or not.
► Some Trials have specific environmental requirements, these must be depicted in your entry!

The Trials

Trial of Endurance
The ability to outlast is not just important, but vital. Standing strong even after long battles with the elements or your opponents is a true statement of ones willpower. This trial demands you face an opponent and outlast them in some form of competition.
The form of competition can range from outright combat, to how long each can hold their breath underwater. Walking with weights, balancing on poles, staring contests; any thing is possible here!
►This Trial needs at least 2 kukuri

Trial of Survival
To the wild among us, hunting and gathering is essental, holding territory and fending off challengers sometimes even moreso. Its time to put those survival skills to the test... you are now one another's prey.
Kukuri shall hunt each other in this trial, you either track another, or seek to escape the hunter. Tracking, using your nose, trapping and running down your prey is all to be expected! Good hunting to you!
►This Trial needs at least 2 kukuri

Trial of Courage
Facing something that is seemingly impossible to over come would make most turn tail and flee... but not you. Be it something small, or larger than life, now is your chance to prove your courage and best the challenge before you!
With Death's magic, no situation is impossible here. Is your impossible task to challenge your mentor at chess? Do you need to defeat a dragon? Alone or with friends, you can face whatever it is that stops your progress forward!
►This Trial can be completed with one kukuri

Trial of Resistance
Not all who walk through life seek conflict, many may find aiding others to be their calling. But even this can be challenging. In an event such as the Carnival of Life, there are bound to be many injuries... are you able to help them?
With magic or old tricks, helping those who are injured is the only goal for this trial. Perhaps not all are good at the job, but many others are highly skilled. Regardless, all the help is needed!
►Your kukuri may be the patient or the doctor for this Trial, but it needs other kukuri to perform the role you didn't pick

Trial of Delirium
All living beings experience fear, without it, we would not be truly alive. But at the same time, staying afraid forever is to stay stagnant forever. This is a trial to overcome your own fears; hold fast and don't give in!
Death can create visions for those brave enough to face this trial. From the fear of spiders, to the fear of the ocean; nothing is beyond her magic's capabilities here.
►This Trial can be completed with one kukuri


Click on the image below to see view all arenas and their descriptions!

Posting your entry

Remember that you may post only one entry per week, and may only do a each trial twice - whether it is a single entry or taking part in a collab! Make sure to fill all the parts of the form correctly! Failure to do so will delay your entry being rolled.
All entries rolled are eligible for +3 FP event bonus for all kukuris on active roles!

Link to the entry:
Collab partner: (use the @ username. If it's not a collab, you can erase this and second kukuri from the form)
Arena: (use the name shown in the stash folder linked to the image of all arenas)
Kukuri 1
     Link to the import:
Kukuri 2
     Link to the import:

Submit entries here

Previous Weeks:
Week 1

Every participating member takes part to the Cerberus slot raffle and Elemental armor raffle!

1-2 Entries

3,000 Cr
3 x Small scar pack
1 x Large scar pack
2 x Medicine
1 x Bandages
1 x Small accessory blueprint
1 x Scroll of alteration
1 x Event familiar (Ra'chak, Ra'lua, or Ra'kae)
Background set - Coliseum of Life (6 uses)
3-4 Entries

10,000 Cr
6 x Small scar pack
3 x Large scar pack
4 x Medicine
2 x Bandages
1 x Healing potion
1 x Antibiotics
1 x Stitches
2 x Rainbow dye
2 x Small accessory blueprint
1 x Large accessory blueprint
2 x Scroll of alteration
1 x Safe nest potion
1 x Scroll of modification
Background set - Coliseum of Life (6 uses)
2 x Event familiars (Ra'chak, Ra'lua, or Ra'kae)
5-6 Entries

20,000 Cr
10 x Small scar packs
5 x Large scar packs
Background set - Coliseum of Life (6 uses)
3 x Event familiars (Ra'chak, Ra'lua, or Ra'kae)
3 x Scroll of modification
2 x Healing potion
2 x Safe nest potion
2 x Large accessory blueprint
5 x Small accessory blueprint
5 x Rainbow dye
1 x Slot to starter of your choice (Excluding seasonal, Coliseum, Merchant and event starters)
1 x Scroll of rebirth
2 x Minor scroll of rebirth
6 x Medicine
3 x Bandages
2 x Antibiotics
2 x Stitches
4 x Scroll of alteration