Monthly Quest

Monthly quest is, as the name tells, a prompt that changes at the 1st day of each month. You CANNOT take part in the past monthly quests, but you can take part in the current month's quest as many times as you wish! Taking part in the quest earns extra FP for every Kuku in the picture, and you have a chance to roll for the special familiar, background or item of the month!

Do note that the monthly reward is given only for the person who posted/drew/wrote the picture/literature, and it is not rolled for each kukuri in the picture. In cases of collaborations, you are required to link the collab partner clearly to the description of submission, if they are the one posting the submission for roll. However, one submission can be rolled only for one person, so if you both wish to have loot rolled, you're required to complete two collabs.

Always link kukuris into description! Failing this might result for no FP getting rewarded.

Post your Entries here Post your Corrections here

The last day to submit, is the second to last day of the month.
Corrections have one month after the end of the quest to be submitted


Art Requirements
1) Fullbody: at least 75% of one kukuri showing; colored and shaded.
2) Background: At least 3 distict elements (not counting the ground or sky). Background must be shaded and colored.
3) Clearly following one of the given prompts (you may provide us a explination in the description).

Liturature Requirements
1) 900 words: An additional 200 words are needed per extra kukuri
2) Kukuri present for at least 75% of the Liturature
3) At least 50% of the story is focused on the prompt.

Current Quest

January 2024

The cold weather isn't sparing anyone this winter, certainly not those who decided to brave the wilderness in such harsh conditions. A recent call for help has been made by a local search and rescue team; they need all the help they can get as more and more lost campers, hikers, and stray animals find themselves trapped high in the mountains! Will you brave the cold and high altitudes to help?

Half the battle of helping those stuck is just finding where they are. Trudging through snow and ice or flying through the icy air to locate someone in the great wilderness takes will power not many have.
Draw or write about your kukuri attempting to locate someone lost on the mountains. Do they use their survival skills and track them or do they wander around aimlessly? Maybe they are the ones who are lost?

You've found the lost person or animal… now the second half of the battle: getting them to safety. Guiding those who are injured, sick, or just confused can be extremely hard in the best of conditions, not to mention in the winter wilderness.
Draw or write about your kukuri guiding another back down the mountains. Do they accidentally lead their companion off a cliff? Maybe they expertly navigate the terrain?
(another creature is required for this prompt, kukuri, animal or handler)

First aid
Not all trapped are lost, some are injured. It's time to show off your first aid skills under the pressure of a winter storm and limited time.
Draw or write about your kukuri giving another creature first aid. Do they faint at the first sign of blood? Maybe they are an expert at this task?

Each entry is eligible for +2FP bonus on each kukuri and has a 30% chance to be rewarded with Mountain Tops BG set!

Mountain Tops BG set

Rewards for December quest

This list will be visible through January but is not related to January quest.

Each gift you receive can be exchanged for goods the group has been giving out in quests throughout the years. The amount of rewards will determine the type of reward you get!
1 gift: 1 entirely random background
3 gifts: Background set randomly rolled from selected category
5 gifts: Background set of your choosing or a randomly rolled familiar

The background categories are

Coliseum of Life
The Fungal Contamination
Festival of Death
The Winter Wonderland
The Flower Garden
The Tundra Pond
The Cherry Blossoms
The Ravine
Mirror Lake
Rising Storm

The City Fireworks
Distant Desert
Temple Ruins
Hidden Cavern
Lupine Fields

Exchange your gifts to rewards in here!