The Traveling Merchant

Hello stranger- did I overhear you say you were looking for a potion? No? perhaps a set of nice shiny armor? Oh well... whatever youre after, I bet we have it!
Welcome to the Traveling Merchant's abode, this place seems like a mess, but its actually a small hoard of valuable treasure... treasure the odd duo might be willing to part with, for the right price. Of course the wont always offer everything in their various boxes... but what they do offer... is surely worth your time.
The Traveling Merchants, Elzada and Andraxas offer three ways to gain items from their hoards of valuables. The shop, a show of skill in crafting, and a good old try at bribing them.
The Traveling Merchant will open on a bi-monthly basis, during the month they are open, you may barter, prove your skill, or shop to your hearts content (assuming you have the CR to offer). During the month off, submissions will be entirely closed and the merchant will sort their stock. Each opening brings a new set of items for you to try for!
This shop will be home to many a rare item... slots, skill tokens, and more! Be sure to keep your eye out for the new items every other month!
In the year 2025 the Traveling Merchants are OPEN during
February, April, June, August, October and December
In the year 2025 the Traveling Merchants are CLOSED during
January, March, May, July, September and November
The last day to submit, is the second to last day of the month.
Corrections have one month after the end of the quest to be submitted
Art Requirements
1) Fullbody: at least 75% of one kukuri showing; colored and shaded.
2) Background: At least 3 distict elements (not counting the ground or sky). Background must be shaded and colored.
3) Clearly following the given prompt (you may provide us a explination in the description).
1) Fullbody: at least 75% of one kukuri showing; colored and shaded.
2) Background: At least 3 distict elements (not counting the ground or sky). Background must be shaded and colored.
3) Clearly following the given prompt (you may provide us a explination in the description).
Liturature Requirements
1) 900 words: An additional 200 words are needed per extra kukuri
2) Kukuri present for at least 75% of the Liturature
3) At least 50% of the story is focused on the prompt.
1) 900 words: An additional 200 words are needed per extra kukuri
2) Kukuri present for at least 75% of the Liturature
3) At least 50% of the story is focused on the prompt.
A show of skill
The two merchant kukuri look at you skeptically, theyve seen it all... how can you teach them something new? Finding your offer amusing, they tell you that if you succeed in showing them something they hadnt seen prior, they may just give you something a little extra. Sounds like a challenge.
The merchants aren't easy to impress, so break out your best tools, your best items... maybe a book or two. Its time to show off your skill!
Draw or write about your kukuri showing off, learning, researching, or otherwise crafting something. Do they need piles of books to figure something out? Maybe a little sparkle of magic for those that can use it!
-> The Merchant starters can, but arent not required to be present!
You may choose to craft any item that can be seen on the crafting page. This means you can craft anything from a tattered feather, to Elemental Armor! Submit this crafting to the Merchant's comment threads!
This activity still requires all ingredients, just as a normal craft would.
Post your Show of Skill here
Each entry/craft has the potential to roll an extra item or items from the following list:
Merchant Overstock:
Tattered Feathers
Dyes (Any color)
Import Friends (Item - random)
Keen Sense Potion
Minor Scroll of Rebirth
Dominance Potion
Supper Swapper Potion
BG usage (random)
Safe Nest Potion
Tattered Feathers
Dyes (Any color)
Import Friends (Item - random)
Keen Sense Potion
Minor Scroll of Rebirth
Dominance Potion
Supper Swapper Potion
BG usage (random)
Safe Nest Potion
Oh? You dont like our prices? Well fine, I suppose you can try to bribe us into lowering that price... what do you offer?
Some items, the merchants just have a bit too much of, or dont really care for. They might just be willing to sell you this item for a lower price than normal... You need to pull out your Cr and make an actual offer though, the higher the better. Or... maybe you can just try stealing the item?
Draw or write about your kukuri trying to bribe, sweet talk, convince, or even just steal from the merchants. Do they offer far too much Cr? Maybe they dont offer Cr at all and instead put a bone and a rock on the table? Or do they get caught stealing?
Make your offers carefully! You can only barter TWICE per merchant opening!
You will need to make a Offer of CR to the merchants upon submitting. Offering 10 cr for a celestial rock is very unlikely to get you what you want, where offering more might be more successful. The actual item values may be useful to reference when making an offer! No matter the outcome, your CR will be taken So make sure your offer is a good one!
Even if the merchant doesnt take your offer, they will still give you some items in return for your Cr. However... you may get exceptionally lucky and win a slot to one of the Merchant starters instead. Test your luck...
The highlight item is what you will gain if your barter succeeds. The Merchant overstock is what they might give you otherwise!
Post your Bartering here
Highlight Item:
Merchant is originally looking for 20,000 Cr for this item, are you going lower or higher?
1 x Iron Armor Blueprint
Merchant is originally looking for 20,000 Cr for this item, are you going lower or higher?
1 x Iron Armor Blueprint
3 x Gold Coin
5 x Silver Coin
1 x any gem (random)
3 x Gold Coin
5 x Silver Coin
1 x any gem (random)
Merchant Shop
Come take a peak around... we have plenty of stuff from all around the world!
All items have a fee of at least 1 Smiling Rock, this is on top of the Cr Price!
No Art is required to purchase from the shop!
Post your purchase here