Adoption Center


newcomers and veteran players alike!

The Adoption Center is home to kukuri pups who have not yet found their story.

Either lost, unwanted, or kindly donated by breeders, the Center will endeavor to find each loving homes or fulfilled lives full of adventure - the choice is yours.

First time Adoptions

Are you new here? Looking for your first kukuri? This would be the place to look!

Click here to view the Adoption Center

First-Time Adoption Rules

1. Adopting a kukuri is open to everyone who has never adopted from us before!
Adoptees can be both old and new players, giving everyone the opportunity to adopt from the full Adoption Center stock at least once.

2. You may adopt once, then after a cooldown, you can return for a second adoption!
After a one-month cooldown period, players can return to the Adoption Center to adopt a second kukuri.
Once this time starts, players have 4 months to adopt their second kukuri or the offer expires!

3. Accounts should show some form of activity
This can include art, journal posts, or similar; just something to show the account is alive - no blank accounts! Proof of having a second, older account (such as a main account) is also fine.

4. Adopted kukuri cannot be traded, sold, or gifted for 6 months
After 6 months, the kukuri can be passed between hands as any other, or even returned here.

How to Adopt

You can find all of our available kukuri in the The Adoption Center
For easy navigation, our kukuri are separated by coat colour and design status - check the bottom tabs

When adopting for the first and second time, you can choose a kukuri from any tab
All kukuri across all tabs are available to adoptees for their first and second adoptions(within time-limit)
kukuris: Crimson; Amber; Hazel; Pearl,Raven; Jade,Azure; Uploaded Imports; and Long-Term Residents.
This availability changes for our Monthly Adoption mechanic.

Once you've chosen your kukuri, reply to the comment thread linked below with your first and second choices
Adoptees are encouraged to select a First and Second choice. This is in case the first choice is taken earlier in the queue. You need only include the kukuri geno's ID number. For example:
        ○ First choice: C-34
        ○ Second choice: UC-02
Can't decide? That's fine - You are also welcome to ask for a completely random choice
Let RNG decide!

Monthly Adoptions

Many pups come to us for a chance at a new home.
While many leave our care in loving hands, some have - sadly - been with us for much longer.
For these Long-Term residents, this is their second chance at a great adventure!

If youve already adopted your first and second kukuri, that doesnt mean you can never adopt again. Our special Long term residents are open to ALL players to adopt on a monthly basis!

Click here to view the Adoption Center

Monthly Adoption Rules

1. Members may adopt from the Long-Term Residents pool once a month
Whether you've adopted from us before or not, members can now partake in our new 'Monthly Adoption' feature.

2. You may adopt one Long-Term Resident a month
For monthly adoptions, the cooldown acts like breeding and resets on the 1st of every month, meaning you can return for another kukuri each and every month of the year! There is no offer expiry period.

3. We ask accounts show some form of activity
This can include art, journal posts, or similar; just something to show the account is alive - no blank accounts! Proof of having a second, older account (such as a main account) is also fine.

4. Adopted kukuri cannot be traded, sold, of gifted for 6 months
After 6 months, the kukuri can be passed between hands as any other, or even returned here.

Monthly Adopting

Kukuri available for adoption are under the 'Long-Term Residents' tab at our The Adoption Center
These are kukuri who have been in the center for over a year and are now available for monthly adoption.

Once you've chosen, reply to the monthly adoption thread linked below with your first and second choices
Adoptees are encouraged to select a First and Second choice. This is in case the first choice is taken earlier in the queue. You need only include the kukuri geno's ID number. For example:
        ○ First choice: C-34
        ○ Second choice: UC-02
Can't decide? That's fine - You are also welcome to ask for a completely random choice
Let RNG decide!

Donate a kukuri

Members can surrender their kukuri to the Adoption Center and will be awarded Crescents (Cr), the currency used in Kukuri-arpg, in exchange. But remember, once a kukuri has been surrendered this cannot be undone!

The value of a kukuri can be discerned from the rewards table below but, don't worry, an admin will count this for you.

We only accept kukuri worth 500 Cr or more
If a kukuri is worth less than 500 Cr, members can instead Release to the Wild.
If your kukuri was formerly adopted from the center, they may be returned regardless of the value, for no award

To donate a kukuri, reply to the link below.
Please donate only one nest per comment (i.e, if you are donating a whole nest, you may link all present in that nest , but if 3 kukuri are all from different nests, please make 3 comments). If a kukuri is already uploaded, simply link the import.

Presently, we are only accepting 3 nests per 24hr period

Reply here to Donate a kukuri

Rewards Table


Common 0Cr
Prairie: 250Cr
Aerial: 500Cr
Aquatic: 1000Cr


Crimson/Hazel: +100Cr
Amber: +150Cr
Pearl/Raven: +300Cr
Velvet/Ebon: +400Cr
Jade/Azure: +700Cr
Dominant: +100Cr
Dominant stacks on top of the coat colour's initial value.


Common: +50Cr
Uncommon: +150Cr
Rare: +300Cr
Dominant: +200Cr  

Values are per marking. Dominant stacks on top of the marking's initial value.


Horns/Ears/Feathers/Fins Common: 0Cr
Uncommon: 100Cr
Rare: 200Cr

Regular/None: 0cr
Common: +100Cr
Uncommon: +300Cr
Rare: +500Cr  




Mutation: +400Cr
Inbred Mut: +200Cr
Infertility: -50%Cr

Skillpoint: +100Cr
Trait: +500Cr

Adoption Kuku: -25%Cr

Jaded/Azured: +100Cr