Divine Shop | Summer

The odd creature motions you welcome as you step into the oddly spacious hut. You could've sworn it was smaller on the outside, but the goods swiftly divert your attention from such unneeded details.

"Feel free to scroll by, for this shop is open till 30th of June 2024 (7pm GMT)! The shopkeeper smiles at you with it's voice seemingly echoing from somewhere far away.

Might as well, you thought...

Welcome to the Kukuri Divine Shop!

✿ All profits gathered from the Divine Shop contribute towards group maintenance and development, with further earnings distributed evenly amongst the mods, meaning purchasing from the shop is a direct way to support the group!

✿ All transactions will be handled through PAYPAL. We will send you an INVOICE, so you must be ready to give us your PAYPAL EMAIL ADDRESS.

✿ When doing purchases, please try to buy as many items in one go as you can. This eases our work, and also ensures that most of the money goes to the group and not in the paypal transaction fees.

Terms of Service

By purchasing from the Divine Shop you are agreeing to the store's rules/terms of service:

1. You must have the money available immediately.

2. You may have a friend pay for your purchases for sales which do not have limits (egg sales, familiars and starter slots may not be paid with a friend's account)

3. You will be able to purchase only one semi-custom, no matter if it was from an auction or a flash sale.

4. You cannot sell these semis forward for higher price than you've bought them for.

----->You cannot sell these semis forward until 31st of December 2024.

6. If you are found breaking these rules, you may be banned for future Kukuri-ARPG sales, and will gain a warning.

7. We hold the right to add and/or edit these rules if a situation that requires so arises.

8. We hold the right to adjust prices and items as deemed necessary, however purchases placed before any possible change will not be affected.

Post your purchases here

Time until the Divine Shop Closes
30th of June
Time until next Semi sale
June 8th at 7pm/19:00 GMT

Looking for something specific? Click the links below to get there faster!
Bundles, Backgrounds and Eggs
Misc and Special Items
Starter Slots

Bundles and Eggs

click the tabs below to view prices and items

Rules and Limits

Random and Breed Specific Eggs

Limit of 3 per catagory (3 random & 3 Breed Specific)

Random Eggs are the same types of eggs you might find in an Activity. They have alphas as parents and 2 starters in their lineages. Everything about them is random. Let Rng guide you with these eggs!

Breed Specific Eggs are different from random eggs: they have starters of the specified breed as direct parents. These starters are randomly rolled (they can even be the same sex), Special and seasonal starters are not included! Think of it like randomly pairing starters together! The result can be anything, from common to rare to everything inbetween or beyond! Its up to Rng!

Backgrounds and Bundles

There is no limit on these items

Backgrounds come in bundles by catagory. Some bundles might have a option to swap out or choose between backgrounds so be sure to specify which ones you want in those cases!
All backgrounds listed come in packs of 3

Item bundles include a theme of items ranging from potions to modification related items. They have a range of item amounts and item types so be sure to read up on each bundle closely!

Random Eggs

No egg of any type will roll the Wisp or Heart markings

Common Egg

2-6 markings

Small chance for a Prairie or Aerial

Uncommon Egg

2-5 markings

1 uncommon feature guaranteed!
Small chance for a Prairie or Aerial

Rare Egg

2-4 markings

1 rare feature guaranteed!
Chance for any subspecies

Mystery Egg


The contents of this egg are completely randomized,
and has chance for any subspecies.

Mutation Egg

3-4 markings

1 mutation guaranteed!
The mutation can be any mutation available for a Kukuri,
including inbreeding ones.
Chance for any subspecies.

Breed Specific Eggs

Starter Egg - Common


Common kukuri hatched from two common starters!

Starter Egg - Prairie


Prairie kukuri hatched from two Prairie starters!

Starter Egg - Aerial


Aerial kukuri hatched from two Aerial starters!

Starter Egg - Aquatic


Aquatic kukuri hatched from two Aquatic starters!


Limited 1


You may swap one background set for Graveyard of the Ancients if you so choose

3 x Coliseum of Life
3 x The Fungal Contamination
3 x The Winter Wonderland
3 x The Ravine
3 x The Flower Garden
3 x Confinement
3 x Rising Storm
2 x Dividation Potion

Limited 2


You may swap one background set for Graveyard of the Ancients if you so choose

3 x Festival of Death
3 x The Burned Forest
3 x Alluring Den
3 x Tundra Pond
3 x Cherry Blossoms
3 x Mirror Lakes
3 x Lava Fields
2 x Dividation Potion



3 x Temple Ruins
3 x Hidden Cavern
3 x Lupine Fields
3 x Savannah
2 x Dividation Potion

Living in the Wild


You get one set as double. Please specify in your order which of the backgrounds you'd like to get twice.

3 x Caves
3 x Woodlands
3 x Distant Desert
3 x Beaches
1 x Dividation Potion

Living with the humans


3 x Urban
3 x Village
3 x Farm
3 x The City Fireworks
3 x Harbor
1 x Dividation Potion

Item Bundles

Learn more about all of the items listed below here

Healing Bundle


2 x Healing Potion
2 x Medicine
2 x Antibiotics
1 x Stitches

Potion Bundle 1


2 x Keen Sense Potion
1 x Safe Nest Potion
1 x Dove Potion
1 x Rook Potion
1 x Enchanted Inkwell

Potion Bundle 2


1 x Supper Swapper Potion
1 x Timeshift Syrup
1 x Fur B Gone Potion
1 x Potion of Lesser Negation
1 x Potion of Greater Negation
1 x Breed Booster Potion

Mutation Bundle


1 x Mutating Potion I
1 x Mutating Potion II
1 x Mutating Potion III
1 x Dominance Potion
1 x Breed Booster Potion

Blueprint Bundle


3 x Accessory blueprint (Large)
5 x Accessory blueprint (Small)
2 x Scroll of Modification

Dye Bundle


3 x Red dye
3 x Yellow dye
3 x Green dye
3 x Turquoise dye
3 x Blue dye
3 x Purple dye
3 x Pink dye
3 x Brown dye
3 x Grey dye

Misc items

These items come as a single use with no purchase limit

Small Scar Pack


Large Scar Pack


3 x Rainbow Dye


Blueprint: Leather Armor


Blueprint: Iron Armor


Blueprint: Small Accessory


Blueprint: Large Accessory


Blueprint: Scroll of Alteration


Scroll of Modification


Scroll of Rebirth


Scroll of Companions


Scroll of Minor Rebirth


Dividation Potion


Contamination Antidote


Contamination Potion


Puppy Snuppy


Squeaky Clean Sponge


Reskill Potion


Suture Kit



These sales have special limits which vary based on the item

Etherical Rock
Limit: 3/user

Celestial Rock
Limit: 1/user

Pixie Rock
Limit: 1/user

Import Friends:
Dog Friends: 5 per user
Cat Friends: 5 per user
Flying Friends: 5 per user
10€ each

Accessories of the Blessed
Limit: 5/user

Limit: 5/user

Wisp Lantern
Limit: 5/user

Limit: 5/user

Tattoos of Life and Death
Limit: 5/user

Accessories of the Gardener
Limit: 5/user

Limit: 5/user

Limit: 5/user

Trait Tokens

Limit: 1/user per Token

Hunter of the Wild: 50€
Brings back 1 more item from Gathering activity. Will bring an item on top of Smiling rock.

Friend of all Floral:50€
Brings back 1 more item from Gathering activity. Will bring an item on top of Smiling rock.

Archeologist Extraordinaire: 50€
Brings back 1 more item from Excavating activity. Will bring an item on top of Smiling rock.

Discovery Expert: 50€
Brings back 1 more item from Traveling activity. Will bring an item on top of Smiling rock.


Limit: you may purchase ONE of each familar per user.

Familiars are seperated into their different catagories: Breeding (any familiar with a breeding bonus), Activity (any familiar specific to one of the 4 activites), and Misc (other familiars not tied to one specific activity)

Click the sections below to view all familiars within its catagory!


Gives +15% chance to roll an extra egg to the clutch, independent from the original amount of the eggs.


Gives +20% chance to inherit a random marking from one of the pup's grandparents


Gives +15% chance to find rare mushrooms from excavating.


Guaranteed to bring back at least 1 item from excavating, and gives +5% bonus to excavating.


Gives +10% boost to excavating.


Gives +10% chance to find an Etherical Rock from Excavating.
Does not stack with Eros.


Gives +10% gathering bonus to the Kukus it's applied to.


Has 20% chance to duplicate a random common gathering item rolled in a gathering activity
A Miosa and Paosa can not be equipped together at one Kukuri


Has 20% chance to duplicate a random Uncommon gathering item rolled in a gathering activity
A Miosa and Paosa can not be equipped together at one Kukuri


Gives +10% chance to bring back extra water related gathering item regardless of the time of the day!


Is guaranteed to bring back 2 items from traveling, and gives +5% bonus to traveling.


Gives +10% boost to traveling.


Puuhka gives 20% chance to bring random feather from traveling activity.


Ursa Minor
Gives +10% to hunting.


Equipping Alava for your kukuri will allow you to hunt any animal despite the season without penalty.


Gives one re-roll in excavating when the kukuri brings back a smiley rock. [You will still get the rock on top of the re-roll]
When a gem or ore is found from excavation, there's a 50% chance that it will be duplicated. If there are more than one gem/ore found, one will be picked randomly from the pile.


Will always bring back 1 extra item from the biorhythm that is not depicted in the picture; boosts the kukuri and aligns its biorhythm to match the picture's for each roll.


Guarantees to never fail a travelling activity. The rider/starter who is paired with the kukuri will now bring back one extra item on top of the kukuri's normal roll. For every extra travelling pair of kukuri & rider/starter combo in the same picture, an extra item will be rolled for the kukuri equipped with Halla.


15% chance to be rolled for up to an extra 3 items on top of your normal roll; no longer has disadvantage if hunting large prey solo. Miniatures no longer have penalties while hunting large animals.


Chime unlocks the chance to find any of the familiars that's found only through doing specific activities , no matter which activity the kukuri is doing (not including monthly quests).
Chime also has 3% chance to drop a Chime's bell item, that can be exchanged into other familiars.


Has a 10% chance to bring a "puppy Snuppy"-accessory item from any activity, which you can equip to your kukuri. You can also craft 10 of these puppy snails into an another Snuppy!


Gives +1% chance to roll an activity familiar from an activity.


Gives +5% chance to find an Etherical Rock from any activity.
Does not stack with Venus.


5% chance to bring back healing potion from any activity.


Raccoin the familiar gives 25% chance to bring back 3,000 Cr from any activity.


+5% chance to find a Royal Letter on top of your usual loot


Ku has a 10% chance to bring back 1 Bone or Skull from any activity.


Mokta has 5% chance to find a magical Dimensional Ticket from any activity

Starter Slots

Starter slots have a limit of 6 purchases total/user. Click below to view all starters and their prices

Semi-Custom Sales

We will be holding total of 4 sales - 2 auctions, and 2 flash sales.
You will be able to purchase only one semi-custom, no matter if it was from an auction or a flash sale.


In auctions you bid against other people to claim your semi. The ending quality of the semi-custom depends on the ending price;

SB 20€: 6 gene points. Your Kukuri will be Aerial kukuri unless you decide to Upgrade/downgrade it.
     • Both starters at first lines of lineage. These may be choosen by the player but they must be the same subspecies as the semi-custom      (ie. a common kuku custom must get common starters).
     • May only use non saturated blue, brown, yellow or green eye colors. Can have black sclera.
     • May only use common mouth colors.
50€: 7 gene points (max 4 markings)
100€: 8 gene points (max 4 markings)
150€: 9 gene points (max 5 markings)
200€: 10 gene points (max 5 markings)
     • May use any eye/mouth color as long as it's not saturated, including white, grey or black.
300€: 11 gene points (max 5 markings)
     • One of the starters at second lines of lineage. These may be choosen by the player but they must be the same subspecies as the semi-custom (ie. a common kuku custom must get common starters).
400€: 12 gene points (max 5 markings)
     • You may choose from inbred mutations for the price of flawed mutation. The Kukuri will stay healthy.

Minimum increments of 5 euros.
Like other semis, your semi cannot have following markings: Heart, Wisp.

Auctions will be held at the following times:
June 10th at 1am/1:00 GMT
June 23th at 7pm/19:00 GMT

An auction will be considered finished if there is no new bidders to the latest bid after 2 hours.

• Please do NOT edit your bids afterwards, reply to your previous bid if you wish to raise it. Editing a bid will cause the timestamp to reset and we may not be able to ensure that it was posted at a correct time


In flash sale you compete against time to grab one of the limited semis available. These semis are split in 3 tiers.
5 semis will be sold on each flash sale.

Tier 1 - 70€
• Your kukuri will be a Aerial kukuri unless you decide to Upgrade/downgrade it.
• 6 gene points (max 4 markings)
• Starter in first and second lines of lineage. These may be choosen by the player but they must be the same subspecies as the semi-custom (ie. a common kuku custom must get common starters).
• Can use desaturated green, blue, yellow, orange, or brown eye colors. Cannot have black sclera.
• Must use common mouth colors.

Tier 2 - 90€
• Your kukuri will be a Aerial kukuri unless you decide to Upgrade/downgrade it.
• 7 gene points (max 5 markings)
• Starter in first and second lines of lineage. These may be choosen by the player but they must be the same subspecies as the semi-custom (ie. a common kuku custom must get common starters).
• Can use desaturated green, blue, yellow, orange, or brown eye colors. Can have black sclera.
• Must use common mouth colors.

Tier 3 - 120€
• Your kukuri will be a Aerial kukuri unless you decide to Upgrade/downgrade it.
• 9 gene points (max 5 markings)
• Both starters in second lines of lineage. These may be choosen by the player but they must be the same subspecies as the semi-custom (ie. a common kuku custom must get common starters).
• Can use any desaturated eye color expect for white, grey or black. Can have black sclera.
• Can have any desaturated mouth color.

Flash sales will be held at the following times:
June 8th at 7pm/19:00 GMT
June 15th at 1am/1:00 GMT

Click here for the semi-point guide