Candied is a color modification gene. It does not create any markings!
Candied is an uncommon gene which allows any saturation on a Kukuri's coat or marking. This means you can create either very light colored pastel Kukuris, or very saturated ones, or anything in-between. It's possible that candied is not even noticeable in a Kukuri, if the designer so desires.
Non-dominant can effect either the coat, or one marking. Dominant can effect the coat AND up to 3 markings.
Candied overrides Haze with the coat or marking it goes over, but other markings should still follow Haze rules. With dominant Candied and 3 markings or less, it is possible to completely cover Haze.
Unlike Iridescent, Candied can not make the coat sparkle or glimmer at all, can't use colors outside of the given marking colors, and can't create a marking of its own.
Candied's Effects

Dominant vs non Dominant
Candied's recessive (nCn) form may effect one marking OR the base coat. While the dominant form (CnCn) may effect 3 markings AND the base coat.
Changing the base coat does not allow all markings to also change with it.
Candied may be any saturation, but should still be in the color range allowed by the base coat of the kukuri.
Dom vs non-dom Candied

Candied on Black
You can choose to pastel the black markings, or leave them as is. If choosing to leave the black as a normal shade, you should stick to the legal black colors.
Candied with black
Raven and Pearl must use a pastel shade for its Candied effect as both base coats tend to turn blue and pink when saturated!

Candied may use colors within a certain range so that it doesn't mimic Hazed. If your kukuri is Velvet or Ebon, it
should fall into the labeled zones!
Since Crimson and Hazel have their Velvet and Ebon variants, their basecoat colors shouldn't fall within the Velvet and Ebon ranges shown on the right. This does not apply to other base coats like Amber, Jade and Azure, that do not have Velvet or Ebon variants! Do note that their colors still shouldn't be too gray to seem Hazed, or be so light that they seem pearl.
For those that loved the old Candied look you can still legally achieve that look with colors allowed by normal base coats
as the example to the right shows!