

Luminescent is a bio-luminescent gene, creating glowing spots on the kukuri's body. These spots must be round, and can't be larger than the kukuri's eye.

Luminescent can color the mouth and give it a faint glow. It can also saturate the eyes, however it can not color them.

The dominant form (LuLu) can create large, complex or patchy shaped glowing areas.

Edge allowances


Symmetry allowances

Can be be symmetrical or asymmetrical

A guide to Luminescent

Haze, Albinism and Melanism do not affect Luminescent!


Luminescent can change aquatic unicorn esca's glow color to match the color of luminescent!

Color and Glow

Luminescent can be any color. Meaning you can have blue, green, red or any other color of Luminescent. However the glow has some rules.

The inner spot must always be lighter than the glow around it. The easiest way to do this is to make this spot white, but it can also be colored.

The glow can have long streaks in any direction so long as it doesn't obscure the design, and all of these streaks lead in the same direction! If the glow is wild or covering large sections of the design, you may be sent to corrections!


Luminescent, when non-dominant, can create only circular or oval like shapes. It can appear within the ears, on the claws, the tip of the tail and horns. But it should not completely cover all of these points. When it's dominant, Luminescent is no longer restricted by some of these rules. It can create large, non-circular shapes, and cover large parts of the body.
Luminescent can also appear anywhere on the body. It does not have a range or a percentage coverage limit. However, there shouldn't be so much that the basecoat becomes hidden in the glow!

Existing Examples of Luminescent

Recessive (nLu)

Dominant (LuLu)