

Mirage creates cloud or mist like markings on the kukuri's body. It can be lighter or darker and cover up to 25% of the kukuri!

The dominant form (MrMr) its range is extended to 50% of the body.

Edge allowances


Symmetry allowances

Can be symmetrical or asymmetrical

Color Allowances:

Can be lighter or darker

A Guide to Mirage

Mirage can not be effected by Border!

Yes and Nos

Mirage is a good marking for anyone who likes soft, swirly, cloudy-looking marks! Mirage must have a misty or cloudy look, this means that while you can make a cloud look, they can not be just lightly blurred blobs or shapes of color. It should be irregular and a bit chaotic in nature.
When Heart is present alongside mirage, it may take on a heart shape so long as it still retains its misty look! It can have swirls and even stripey/brindle-like looks as well!

Mirage can also use a blending of edge types, but avoiding any hard edges is necessary!

Below are some correct examples, and some incorrect examples!

Mirage spread and edges

Mirage can mix edges, meaning it can use both soft and blended edges! However hard, textured, or mottled edges are not permitted.

Mirage may spread across the body in different patches, or it can wrap around limbs or parts of the body.

Avoid defigned or hard edges, even if partially soft or blended, it might result in getting sent to corrections!

Mirage Ranges

Mirage can appear anywhere on the body, but it can only take up so much of a percentage of the kukuri.

The minimum percentage of a kukuri's body Mirage should cover
The maximum percentage of a kukuri's body recessive Mirage can cover
The maximum percentage of a kukuri's body dominant Mirage can cover

Mirage can appear anywhere on the body, but it can only take up so much of a percentage of the kukuri.

The minimum percentage of a kukuri's body Mirage should cover
The maximum percentage of a kukuri's body recessive Mirage can cover
The maximum percentage of a kukuri's body dominant Mirage can cover

Mirage can appear anywhere on the body, but it can only take up so much of a percentage of the kukuri.

The minimum percentage of a kukuri's body Mirage should cover
The maximum percentage of a kukuri's body recessive Mirage can cover
The maximum percentage of a kukuri's body dominant Mirage can cover

Mirage can appear anywhere on the body, but it can only take up so much of a percentage of the kukuri.

The minimum percentage of a kukuri's body Mirage should cover
The maximum percentage of a kukuri's body recessive Mirage can cover
The maximum percentage of a kukuri's body dominant Mirage can cover

Mirage can appear anywhere on the body, but it can only take up so much of a percentage of the kukuri.

The minimum percentage of a kukuri's body Mirage should cover
The maximum percentage of a kukuri's body recessive Mirage can cover
The maximum percentage of a kukuri's body dominant Mirage can cover

Existing Examples of Mirage

Recessive (nMr)

Dominant (MrMr)