Edge allowances

Symmetry allowances

Color Allowances:

A Guide to Smoke
Smoke only needs to effect two points on a kukuri minimum. But what are these points?
The different points include the head, arms, legs and tail. If the arms and legs aren't affect by Smoke, the tail and head should
be instead!
Faulty Smoke
Smoke should spread evenly across the different points it affects. It can not color only the top or bottom jaw or
only half a hand. It also can not affect only the throat while missing the top half of the face or vice versa.
Smoke must also have a gradient edge. Soft or hard edges are not allowed.
Smoke shoudn't have any holes, it should be one solid marking!
Curving Edges
Non-dominant smoke allows slight curvature that follows limbs' rounded shape. On the right example shows the preferred max curve that non-dom smoke can create.
Smoke on Feathers and fins
If Smoke covers a part of the limb feathers are on, it will also spread to the feathers. Smoke shouldn't spread from the
tips of the feathers or be majorly shaped on the feathers unless dominant. The same rules apply to Aquatic fins.
Smoke Ranges
The minimum area of a kukuri's body Smoke should cover
The maximum area of a kukuri's body recessive Smoke can cover
The maximum area of a kukuri's body dominant Smoke can cover
The minimum area of a kukuri's body Smoke should cover
The maximum area of a kukuri's body recessive Smoke can cover
The maximum area of a kukuri's body dominant Smoke can cover
The minimum area of a kukuri's body Smoke should cover
The maximum area of a kukuri's body recessive Smoke can cover
The maximum area of a kukuri's body dominant Smoke can cover
The minimum area of a kukuri's body Smoke should cover
The maximum area of a kukuri's body recessive Smoke can cover
The maximum area of a kukuri's body dominant Smoke can cover