Blindness and Deafness

This mutation causes a lost sense that can severely impact a kukuri's life, more so in the wild but also when tamed. While deaf kukuris usually have it easier, they have harder time communicating with their species.

You can choose to pick either one or both of the impairments. However, only the one/s chosen are listed in the import info.

Blind or deaf kukus require a special training on top of normal BTT to be able to breed and take part in the events that require BTT, so that they learn to live with their lost sense better. Same goes with half-blind and half-deaf.

Blinded or deafened Kukus start their life with randomized -1 stats in two of their skills. These -1 stats are chosen by the player.

A blind Kuku's eyes can appear very light blue, shades of grey or red, and may lack a visible pupil. However you may also use a desaturated form of the inherited color from the parents, but the pupil must be very light or the color slightly whitened.

The eyes of a blind kukuri can not appear bright and saturated even when inherited from a parent, unless Luminescent/Iridescent is present on the kukuri itself.

Acquiring Blindness or Deafness

Blindness and Deafness is one of a few mutations that can be freely acquired onto an otherwise healthy kukuri. This can be done before or after approvals. This CAN NOT be reversed.
The kukuri will be required to have the same stat debuffs as well as be required to complete the blindness/deafness training just the same as a kukuri born with the mutation would be.

Before approvals you can do this for free, by adding either "blindness (acquired)" or "deafness (acquired)" to the mutations line.

After upload you kukuri can gain blindness via an eye infection or by using a scar pack in import updates. Deafness can similarly be acquired by an ear infection or be added for free in import updates.

Blindness and Deafness with other mutations

With Eyeless mutation, a Blind/Deaf kukuri must choose Deafness to their kukuri, as there are no eyes to blind.

With Orthrus mutation and Blind/Deaf mutation, you can choose between three different alternatives.
- Both heads have same mutation
- One head has Blindness and the other one has Deafness
- Both heads have both mutations

Existing Examples of Blindess/Deafness