
Crippled doesn't exhibit itself a lot visibly upon upload. The Kukuri might have little weirdness in it's anatomy which isn't easily noticeable from the outside, but it's a huge hindurance to their life. They might have trouble learning to walk, chronic pain, easily exhausted... The list goes on.

Crippled mutation is inbred mutation, so it can't occur without inbreeding and can't be inherited in breeding.

A crippled Kukuri has -1 to all of its starting stats, and can not create a nest bigger than 1 egg.

Crippled mutation overrides all potions, familiars, mutations, ranks and traits in breeding.

Crippled Modification

Crippled mutation is highly cosmetic and allows up to 75% of the import lines to be edited, as long as the edits are relating to the mutation (crooked spine, missing fingers or toes, uneven jaws, horns pointing wonkily etc.). Edits can be done with Scroll of Modification after kukuri's design has been uploaded!

Crippled and Spider

With Spider mutation present kukuri can be edited to have four legs instead of two arms! Legs must sprout out from pelvis, but can hang on top or below of the kukuri or be fully functional. With aerials this will result in -4 SPD debuff.

Existing Examples of Crippled

Crippled with Modifications