
Heterochromia is a mutation that soley affects the eyes, giving them a second color! The split can be sectoral (as seen above), or total (meaning one eye is a completely different color to another.)
Both of the colors must come from the parents of the kukuri. This means if a kukuri has parents with blue eyes and one with orange, the kukuri will then inherit both! If the parents have heterochromia themselves, the pup can take any color present!
A Kukuri with an albino or melanistic parent can choose the eye color of either one of the albino's/melanistic's parents. If the
albino/melanistic does not have parents, the color is grey.
A Kukuri with relatives who have black sclera, can have two different sclera colors: black in one eye, white in the other!
A Kukuri with relatives who have black sclera, can have two different sclera colors: black in one eye, white in the other!
A Kukuri with parents who both have same eye color can choose a color from the grandparents.
A Kukuri with Heterochromia and Piebald, Ink or Koi, can choose a third color from the grandparents.
A Kukuri with Heterochromia and Piebald, Ink or Koi, can choose a third color from the grandparents.