
A mutation which makes the kukuri appear hairless like a sphynx cat! However, in reality they have very fine coat. Sphynx mutation is able to fade the basecoat color, but it can never achieve same level of desaturation as Hazed.
Iridescent marking which purely affects the coat is not visible on the Sphynxes, unless it has ruffle or tail mutation. With these mutations, Iridescent can show on the furry parts of ruffle or tail. With Prairie, Aerial and Aquatic sphynxes, Iridescent is able to show on feathers and fins.
The Exception is Aquatics: Aquatics already dont have much fur, thus they gain small scales across their whole body. Iridescent can present on these scales!
Due to their lack of natural armor from the coat, they have -1 defense as their starting point.
Aquatic Sphynxes Have scales that line the edges of their ruffles, these MUST follow the marking and base colors that would normally overlap them.
Sphynxes use special imports:
Miniature and Sphynx mutations are possible to obtain together, but it being so rare combination, group has none yet. Official imports will be provided once first Miniature-Sphynx mutation combo occurs.
Common Sphynx Imports --- Prairie Spynx Imports
Aerial Sphynx Imports --- Aquatic Sphynx Imports
Miniature and Sphynx mutations are possible to obtain together, but it being so rare combination, group has none yet. Official imports will be provided once first Miniature-Sphynx mutation combo occurs.
Common Sphynx Imports --- Prairie Spynx Imports
Aerial Sphynx Imports --- Aquatic Sphynx Imports
[Legacy] Kukuri import - SPHYNX female
[Legacy] Kukuri import - SPHYNX male
Prairies, Aerials, and Aquatics do not have legacy imports.