Blindess/Deafness Training

If you have this training completed, your Kukuri can breed. You can switch in-between using handler/guide or a guardian.
You need to provide 2 prompts to finish this training.
1. A handler/guide is one of non-Kukuri species taking care of a Kukuri.
2. Guardian is any Kukuri which includes starters. A guardian can not be trained in the said training entry it's portrayed in. When using a Kukuri owned by someone else, it's often good manners to ask the person are they okay with their Kukuri being used!
3. Link all the Kukuris visible in the training in the description.
1. At least 75% of the Kukuri must be visible and in the scene
2. A parent/handler must be at least 50% visible. The prompt will specify which one is required. If it does not specify, either one can be used.
3. The image must be fairly clean, colored, shaded, and have a shaded background. Backgrounds should have at least 3 hand drawn elements not including the ground or sky (ex: rocks, vines, animals, etc)
1. The story must be at least 1200 words
2. Every additional kukuri requires an additional +500 words, meaning two kukuri would require 1700 words, and three kukuri 2200 words.
I - Be One With your Senses
° One of the following must be included in this prompt: Handler, Guide
° Draw or write your handler teaching the commands to the Kuku. How well are they learning, or do they understand at all what's going on?
When you don't have a certain sense, you need different kind of commands and tricks of teaching them. For blind Kukus this is sound commands, and for deaf it's hand commands.
II - Overcome your Fears
° One of the following must be included in this prompt: Handler, Guide, Guardian
° Draw or write parent/handler calming the Kuku when making them meet another Kuku. Does it escalate to fight, or is your Kuku a brave one?
It's easier to get scared and fearful when you have less senses to work with.
III - Navigate the world
° One of the following must be included in this prompt: Handler, Guide, Guardian
° Draw or write your kukuri with their parent/handler wandering on the outside world with either lot of things creating sound (for blinds), or environment with lot of other creatures (deaf)
For blind kukuris a busy world is full of loud sudden noises, while for a deaf it's full of surprising touches and collision with things you couldn't hear coming.
VI - Learning independence
° One of the following must be included in this prompt: Handler, Guide, Guardian
° Draw or Write your Kukuri being alone or away from their parent/handler. Did they get nervous and destroy the home while they were gone, or did they handle it well and sleep through it?
It's easy to get attached to somebody when you realize that they always seem to sense something more than you do..
V - I'm just a little clumsy
° One of the following must be included in this prompt: Handler, Guide, Guardian
° Draw your Kuku making a mess due to their missing sense- Were they stomping on another kuku's tail or not hearing others yelling at them to be cautious? / Were they breaking everything due to not seeing those flower pots or crossing the road dangerously, not hearing the claxons?
Missing sight or hearing, no matter how much a Kukuri has trained and practiced, can still prove to be a quick recipe for disaster.
VI - Your Special Friend
° One of the following must be included in this prompt: Handler, Guide, Guardian
° Draw or write what's the very unique habits of your kukuri, do they have tendency to step on your feet, eat loudly, shout everything they say, or touch your face to recognize it's you?
We all know them and have that one special friend that has unique habits, and sometimes, you are that particular friend - even if it's something you can't do anything about.
VII - Surviving and Thriving
° One of the following must be included in this prompt: Handler, Guide, Guardian
° Draw or write your kukuri succeeding at a job or task in spite of their disability. How does a blind healer sort their herbs, or lead a cart? How does a deaf kukuri successfully hunt or communicate with others on a group project?
It's easy to let your disability to get to you, but where there's weakness, there's strength! When you learn your own way of doing things, there's very little that can stand on your way!
VIII - Gaining Confidence
° One of the following must be included in this prompt: Handler, Guide, Guardian
° Draw or write your kukuri trying to do something that they were scared to do since they lacked hearing or sight. Be it helping tend to crops in the garden or trekking up a particularly scary mountain pass, they choose to step out of their comfort zone. How do they react, are they scared? Or are they overly confident as they realize it wasn't as bad as they thought it was?
Maybe your kukuri loved adventuring before they lost their senses, or always wanted to help others with day to day tasks, but was too nervous to try in fear of messing it up. They watch as their friends get to have fun while they hold themselves back. Everyone has to start though, maybe it's time to get back at it.
IX - Born This Way
° One of the following must be included in this prompt: Handler, Guide, Guardian
° Draw or write your kukuri at a turning point in their life where they finally realize they're 'different' from the others and start learning how to deal with it better. You can depict either the moment of realization and how it happened, or you can depict the aftermath of said moment, whether it be a moment of depression and grief, or a moment of enlightenment that is about to lead your kukuri along with their handler/parent towards a brighter future.
We all know them and have that one special friend that has unique habits, and sometimes, you are that particular friend - even if it's something you can't do anything about.
X - Loss.jpg
° One of the following must be included in this prompt: Handler, Guide, Guardian
° Draw or write your kukuri learning to live with an acquired loss of sight or hearing. Do they adapt calmly, or is it terrifying?
Losing one of your senses is often a shocking situation to live through, and then come to terms with.
Post your training to Training completion when done!