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Bonding for Love

Some Kukuris are meant to stay for life, and the bond inbetween them goes beyond anything. This is the life partner who will stay with you through thick and thin, and the one you want to see as you close your eyes at the night.

With bonding, a kukuri pair or trio will be tied to each other, gaining +2FP bonus when portrayed together in an image or a literature (fullbody, colored and shaded). If one of the partners has hornless or overgrowth mutation, or it's rankless, their bonded partner will not turn them down (the egg limit still stays).The age, sex, or subspecies does not matter - any two or three kukuris can be bonded together. Bonded kukuri also have the chance of gaining a 3rd Enamored use upon its second roll, State bonded status in the breeding form

❤ A bond will stay even if your Kukuri changes owners.

❤ Likewise, the kukuris can be owned by different owners, but in such event all of the owners need to do at least one prompt.

❤ The bond can be broken, but after that the Kukuri can not be re-bonded for a year.

The training must be done by the owner/s. These trainings can NOT be commissioned.

❤ Only one owner can post the training into this thread, if kukuris are owned by different people, all kukuris will receive the badge!

You need to provide 2-3 prompts to finish this training, depending of how many kukuris are bonded.
Each of the owners of the kukuris being bonded, has to do one prompt.
If all of the kukuris are owned by the same person, then they do all of the prompts.


1. Kukuri can only form a bond with one or two other kukuri.

2. Kukuris can't be bulk trained, meaning one entry can be used only for one pair or trio.

3. Link all the Kukuris visible in the training in the description.


1. At least 75% of both Kukuri must be visible and in the scene

2. The image must be fairly clean, colored, shaded, and have a shaded background. Backgrounds should have at least 3 hand drawn elements not including the ground or sky (ex: rocks, vines, animals, etc)


1. The story must be at least 1500 words

2. Both kukuri must be present evenly through the story

Submit your trainings toTraining completion when done!


I - Did you fall head over heels
° Draw or write a moment when the love was so blinding, that you did not see what was in front of you, and perhaps this ended up with embarrassment on both sides.
Sometimes, love hits you so hard that you don’t really know what is the right way up. Perhaps you did not see that ravine between you and your love, or maybe no one told you to watch out for those pesky roots when you’re with the one you love.

II - I chill you
° Draw or write a moment where being in peace with your partner is all you need. Perhaps this was a peaceful afternoon with naps, or watching the world burn like your fiery love?
The world is a busy place, and sometimes you just need that one quiet moment with the one you care about. Even if the world is on fire, you’re fine because your partner is there with you.

III - The truth hurts
° Draw or write about the moment when a odd truth is revealed about the kukuri to their partner and their reaction to it. Maybe they have a weird habit, or perhaps they just really like eating sugarvines.
This is the day. This is the day you tell your partner, the truth about yourself. How you sleep with socks on your tail, or maybe your favorite food is pickles. Maybe you’re a bit too obsessed with smiley stones, and your nest is overflowing with feathers.

IV - Remember that one time
° Draw or write about a storytime, over a precious memory where the duo of kukuris are having some wild shenanigans. Did you hear about that time when they built a house in the trees? Or perhaps that one time, when the herbivore partner ate all the flowers at the party.
Every couple has that one story that seems to come back haunting your life in every get together with your friends. You cannot escape it, so why not tell about it with a flourish?

V - Apple of my eye
° Draw or write of the moment, when your partners saw for the first time. Perhaps it was in the middle of an arena fight, or maybe you ran into a kukuri selling violets on the street corner… And boy, were they bewitching!
It was the first time you saw your partner. Nothing was as enchanting as they were, everything else paled in comparison with that sight! How could you live without them from this moment on? Love at first sight.

VI - You like this right? Right?
° Draw or write about that time when your kukuri was nervous about giving a gift to their loved one. Were you sure the skull was decorated enough? Or maybe the crown made out of sugarvine wouldn’t be sweet enough!
Everyone has been a bit nervous in their life about giving gifts and this time is no different.

VII - For your honor!
° Draw or write about the moment when another kukuri insulted your love, and about the fight that ensued over it.
How dare that other kukuri insult your love! Did they not know that the ground your love walked upon was holy, and this nobody did not deserve to breathe the same air as you do!

VIII - So… These are my parents.
° Draw or write about that moment when you went to meet the parent/guardian of your love, and the ways you tried to get their approval over your love. Maybe you had put a bit too much effort in grooming, or maybe that elephant was not a good enough gift.
The most dreaded time is upon you. Meeting your partner’s parent/guardian for the first time. Your whole future was hanging on this… Would they approve?

IX - If you’d just listen!
° Draw or write about that one time the love-duo fought over something big, or something trivial. How did they make up in the end? Did they compromise over the dispute?
Everyone fight in relationships, and kukuris are not any different. Why did they not listen to you? Surely you had told them often enough about grooming after eating!

X - Salty
° Draw or write about that one time you had to grovel to get back into the good graces of your love. How did you do it?
You were busted. Your partner had seen you eyeing that other kukuri with too much attention -and now you sleep in the doghouse.

XI - First Nest
° Draw or write about your first nest with your love, whether biological or adopted. This may be an egg hatching, a peaceful moment with your newborn little ones, or the moment you found the lost child that would become a part of your family.
First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes pups in the… sugarvine carriage? You’ve found your soulmate, and now the time has come to welcome new additions to your family. It’s a special, sometimes sacred moment for many, and there’s no feeling like holding your own little ones in your arms with your love for the first time.

XII - Forever
° Draw or write about the moment you realized your partner was the one, and how you expressed your wish to be with them forever. Did you set up a fancy meal to ask them formally to be your only, or was it an embarrassing, emotional burst out of nowhere on a morning walk?
You’ve gone through all the steps. Getting to know your partner by learning to appreciate their talents and loving their flaws, you’ve come to understand and love them on a deep level that could be matched by nothing- And they know you better than anyone. It’s impossible to doubt now. This is the one you want to be with the rest of your life and beyond.

XI - Home Sweet Home
° Draw or write about the pair looking for their new nest. Did they find an abandoned hole, or build one on their own?
You and your mate know it, this relationship is made to held. That also means, now you need to find a place that has space for two to call your own.

XII - Thicker Than Water

° Draw or write about how the platonic bond in-between your Kukuri shows in their day to day basis. Are they siblings always standing up for each other, best friends having the best laughs, or a bodyguard loyal to their cause?
Not all relationships need to be romantic, sometimes tightest bonds are formed in-between platonic relations!

XIII - Through Thick and Thin
° Draw or write about your Kukuris dealing with a tragic incident. Did they lose a pup, their home, was the other one cripplingly injured. Did they comfort each other through it, or did it cause a rift in-between them needing to be mended?
Life has a way of throwing painful experiences in our way, and often it helps to have the aid of another to get through it - unless they were too shaken by it as well.

XIV - Birds of Feather
° Draw or write your kukuris sharing something similar about themselves. Maybe they share a hobby, enjoy same foods, have a weird but similar past, or maybe just look alike!
Sometimes it's just so easy to see that you were made for each other.

XV - Heart of Steel
° Draw or write your kukuri in combat, sparring and sizing each other up. Did the stronger manage to woo the warrior veteran or was the desire to become stronger enough to charm them?
Some just don't care about the dates, roses and sweet words, and just would rather see what you're REALLY made of! It's time to wrestle!

XVI - Your Every Need
° Draw or write about your kukuri providing to their partner. Maybe they're capable of finding a lot of food, building shelters, or fending of intruders.
Giving is a strong love language, and relationships are all about give and take!

XVII - I Got You Blue
° Draw or write your kukuri trying to impress their potential mate. Did they do a fancy dance, bring gifts, or maybe show off their mighty horns or feathers?
Can't find someone if you're not prepared to work for it, and what better way to do it than to create a big thing of it?

XVIII - From Different Worlds
° Draw or write about something your Kukuris absolutely disagreed on. How did they come to compromise about it?
He was a punk, she did ballet, can I make it any more obvious? You two seem like you could never fit each other, and clashing is ensured when you come from such different lives.

XVIV - Part of My World
° Draw or write about the kukuri teaching their mate something they're good at or really enjoy doing, maybe it's flower weaving, scaring bats, or riding down the waterfalls.
Kukuris have many wonderful different things they know to do almost naturally, which might be something someone else didn't even think of doing. It's scary to be a rookie in something, but what better teacher is there than your mate!

XX - Peculiar Love Language
° Draw or write about one of the Kukuris portraying their love in weird ways, maybe silently leaving an orange in their den every day, or giving a lick to their tail as a good night kiss. Will their partner recognize these weird behaviors as a sign of feelings?
Everyone has a love language. Some give hugs, some give gifts, and some... well, some have unusual ways of showing attachment. Like biting. Or stealing their loved one's things.

XXI - Nudge for Love
° Draw or write about your kukuri playfully teasing their interest. Is it at the beginning where you're still trying to catch the attention of them when you don't even know you like them? Or are you old married couple where this has been an inside joke with you for a long time? Does your partner find it endearing, join in, or is annoyed by it?
Sometimes we all just want to be little gremlins to those we love, even if we don't realize it.

Post your training to Training completion when done!