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Heavy Load Training

You need to provide 2 prompts to finish this training.

This training is about Strength and moving large objects, this fits kukuri with handlers most, but can be done by wild kukuri as well. By completing this training your kukuri gets a permanent chance to roll +2 items in all activities, and gains +1SP.

If your Kukuri completes Heavy Load Training, it cannot do Retrieval Training.

If your kukuri was born infertile (not labeled as acquired), It may learn both Heavy Load Training, and Retrieval training.


1. A handler/guide is one of non-Kukuri species taking care of a Kukuri.

2. Guardian is any Kukuri which includes starters. A guardian can not be trained in the said training entry it's portrayed in. When using a Kukuri owned by someone else, it's often good manners to ask the person are they okay with their Kukuri being used!

3. Link all the Kukuris visible in the training in the description.


1. At least 75% of the Kukuri must be visible and in the scene

2. A parent/handler must be at least 50% visible. The prompt will specify which one is required. If it does not specify, either one can be used.

3. The image must be fairly clean, colored, shaded, and have a shaded background. Backgrounds should have at least 3 hand drawn elements not including the ground or sky (ex: rocks, vines, animals, etc)

4.A carriage or Backpack is required unless specified otherwise.


1. The story must be at least 1200 words

2. Every additional kukuri requires an additional +500 words, meaning two kukuri would require 1700 words, and three kukuri 2200 words.

Submit your trainings toTraining completion when done!


I - Carrying Backpack

° One of the following must be included in this prompt: Handler, Guide
° Draw a picture of your Kukuri practicing with a backpack and their reaction to it.
It takes certain amount of strength to carry both a rider and a backpack. Some Kukuris react badly for sudden extra weight, some better.

II - Pulling Carriage

° One of the following must be included in this prompt: Handler, Guide
° Draw a picture of your Kukuri pulling a small carriage.
It requires a great deal of obedience to make a Kukuri walk straight when they feel like they have no option. Sometimes they can think up mischievous tricks just to annoy their handler for putting them up to such task.

III - Hard Terrain

° One of the following must be included in this prompt: Handler, Guide, Guardian
° Draw or write either handler or non-training Kukuri helping your Kukuri navigate or get over hard terrain.
Be it mud, snow, ice, mountainside or swampy area, sometimes carriages just get stuck or hard to navigate with.

IV - Strength Training

° One of the following must be included in this prompt: Handler, Guide
° Draw or write your handler helping Kukuri grow it's strength - maybe they're helping on a farm with heavy duties, trying to lift rocks, or does your handler have specific training equipment for such? No backpack or carriage is required for this prompt.
It's all about pulling and carrying, it requires a great deal of strength too.

V - And What You're Gonna Do About It

° One of the following must be included in this prompt: Handler, Guide
° Draw or write a moment when your Kukuri refused to move forward, and how the handler tried or got their kuku to move. Did they use foods and treats, or try to outright push them to moving?
Some of us are just born stubborn, and sometimes need little coaxing to keep moving.

VI - Strength in Numbers

° One of the following must be included in this prompt: Guardian
° Draw or write your Kukuri pulling a carriage with a Kukuri that is not being currently trained. A handler is not required for this prompt.
A heavier carriage needs helping hands, and it's important to learn to work as a team.

VII - Limit of Your Strength

° One of the following must be included in this prompt: Handler, Guide, Guardian
° Draw or write your Kukuri overestimating their strength, maybe they tried to lift boulder too big for them or carriage too heavy. Was the result just exhaustion or total disaster?
We get it, you're strong, but sometimes we just simply think we're way more strong than we actually are and cockily attempt something we maybe shouldn't.

VIII - The Strength to Thrive

° One of the following must be included in this prompt: Handler, Guide, Guardian
° Draw or write your kukuri teaming up with another or their handler to move large obstacles, be it a fallen tree or boulder. No backpack or carriage is required for this prompt.
Life is as unpredictable as weather, and sometimes things such as storms run the risk of rending your home or road inaccessible. What should happen if a tornado decides to leave a hefty tree or ten strewn across your living area? A landslide moving the very earth into your bedroom?

VIV - Failed Delivery

° One of the following must be included in this prompt: Handler, Guide
° Draw or write about a time your Kukuri failed to transport their loot due to inexperience. Did they get caught in a rainstorm and the bags of sugar in their cart melt away? Or perhaps they tried to transport crates full of chickens without putting a net over the top. Did you hit a road bump and all the wine glasses broke?
We all fail sometimes, and some failures are more bigger than others.

X - Weather What Comes

° One of the following must be included in this prompt: Handler, Guide, Guardian
° Draw or write your Kukuri having to traverse in harsh weather, or protecting their valuable carriage from it to the best of their ability. Or maybe you have to protect your carriage from band of thieves.
Even the most planned journeys can get unpredictable, and but those deliveries need to get done!

XI - By Natural Means

° One of the following must be included in this prompt: Guardian
° Draw or write your Kukuri using items from nature to help them carry things. Do they collect water in a coconut shell, or perhaps their loaf is transporting food in a bark canoe? No backpack or carriage is required for this prompt.
When you live in the wilds for long enough you learn that nature can provide you with solutions to life's problems.

XII - Improvisation

° One of the following must be included in this prompt: Handler, Guide, Guardian
° Draw or write your carriage breaking down, how are you gonna carry them to the destination now? Do you pack them all on your back for huge tower, or dragging a huge bag? Does the contents get roughed up on the journey or do you get to the destination without a hitch? No backpack or carriage is required for this prompt.
When on the road, it's a good idea to keep your head out of the box and be ready for all situations!

Post your training to Training completion when done!