Miniature Basic Trust Training

This is the only training option for a miniature kukuri, a miniature can not do other BTT types. If you have this training completed, your Kukuri can breed. You can switch in-between using handler/guide or a guardian.
You need to provide 4 prompts to finish this training.
One of the prompts must be done by you.
1. A handler/guide is one of non-Kukuri species taking care of a Kukuri.
2. Guardian is any Kukuri which includes starters. A guardian can not be trained in the said training entry it's portrayed in. When using a Kukuri owned by someone else, it's often good manners to ask the person are they okay with their Kukuri being used!
3. Link all the Kukuris visible in the training in the description.
1. At least 75% of the Kukuri must be visible and in the scene
2. A parent/handler must be at least 50% visible. The prompt will specify which one is required. If it does not specify, either one can be used.
3. The image must be fairly clean, colored, shaded, and have a shaded background. Backgrounds should have at least 3 hand drawn elements not including the ground or sky (ex: rocks, vines, animals, etc)
1. The story must be at least 1200 words
2. Every additional kukuri requires an additional +500 words, meaning two kukuri would require 1700 words, and three kukuri 2200 words.
I - Adjust to your Size
° One of the following must be included in this prompt: Handler, Guide
° Draw or write a picture of a moment when your miniature starts to trust their handler. To some it's just about giving food, to some it's a hugely special moment.
For a miniature the world is a place where basically everything is bigger than they are, and this often leads them to have rather untrusting and aggressive nature..
II - Play Nice
° One of the following must be included in this prompt: Handler, Guide, Guardian
° Draw or write a picture of handler/parent trying to solve a fight in between a miniature and another Kukuri.
A miniature might easily lash out on it's bigger counterparts, and their ego makes sure that they won't be the one giving up!
III - Dressing Up for the Occasion
° One of the following must be included in this prompt: Handler, Guide
° Draw or write your miniature and their experience with the first time they are put clothing or harness on by their handler.
Lacking the sheer mass to protect themselves from elements, nature or whatever disaster there may be, it's important that they get used to clothing as soon as possible.
IV - Redirecting Energy
° One of the following must be included in this prompt: Handler, Guide, Guardian
° Draw or write your handler/parent with their miniature in some kind of activity, like playing with them, practicing agility etc., or draw what the miniature has broken and your handler's reaction to it.
Miniatures are bunch of energy, and need lot of activities to keep them from becoming Tasmanian terrors of the house.
V - Survival of the Fittest
° One of the following must be included in this prompt: Guardian
° Draw or write the parent teaching a miniature good hiding places, the environment, where to get good food, or how to trick your enemies or maybe hunt for small animals.
A miniature in the wild does not have odds on it's said for survival, but then you just gotta outsmart the odds.
VI - Find your Place
° One of the following must be included in this prompt: Handler, Guide
° Draw or Write your miniature to be trained for a specific task by your handler, for example being a therapy kukuri for kids, a mascot, a service kukuri, or a bean planter. Yes, even minis can plant beans.
A miniature may not be able to do everything a common Kukuri can, but it doesn't mean that they don't have a place in this world.
VII - The Show Must Go On
° One of the following must be included in this prompt: Handler, Guide
° Draw or write about your handler training their Kukuri to be a show Kukuri. Anything from running through agility tracks, or showing in front of a crowd or judge!
Training a Kukuri to be a show stopper and crowd favorite is a long process. Not all have the temperament to handle it and stand the gaze of a crowd.
VIII - I Ain't Afraid of No Ghost
° One of the following must be included in this prompt: Handler, Guide, Guardian
° Draw or write about a time that your Kukuri was scared - what or who were they scared of and how did they deal with their fear. What did they learn from the experience, or did they learn nothing at all?
Fear is a force that drives almost all creatures in times of great stress. Learning to stand and face your fears is important, but it’s also important to learn when to back down and acknowledge that you’re afraid for a reason.
IX - High Maintenance
° One of the following must be included in this prompt: Handler, Guide, Guardian
° Draw or write about your Kukuri getting groomed (be it bathing, brushing, or cutting hair, anything that has to do with getting clean and pretty again!)
For some, grooming is something one doesn’t think about. For others it’s a constant struggle to keep a luxurious mane soft and sleek. Some can’t stand getting wet, which makes bath time an absolute nightmare.
X - Again With Feeling
° One of the following must be included in this prompt: Handler, Guide, Guardian
° Draw or write your kukuri discovering a talent they can build their life around with their handler, from herding to planting beans. Hey I didn’t say it had to be groundbreaking, someone has to be a bean planter.
A kukuri feels their most fulfilled in life as when they find their purpose. Even the biggest of troublemakers can straighten up once that special piece falls into place.
XI - High Class
° One of the following must be included in this prompt: Handler, Guide
° Draw or write about your Kuku accompanying its handler on an elegant night out. Does your kukuri show some class and fit in, or do they go eat off the buffet table and drink all the punch?
Many handlers are invited or expected to show up to fancy parties. Kukuri’s are welcome, IF they are well behaved.
XII - Everyone has a role
° One of the following must be included in this prompt: Guardian
° Draw your Kuku finding its own role in its loaf- does it fit perfectly to you, or maybe the first approach wasn’t the best one?
Each kuku in a loaf has its own role. There are those who lead, who hunt, gather , protect, or explore surroundings.
XIII - Didn't go as wanted
° One of the following must be included in this prompt: Handler, Guide, Guardian
° Draw or write about the discovery of an unexpected behaviour; was an aggressive pup really sweet with a sibling, or a calm one being suddenly too cruel?
Sometimes you expect certain behaviours from your family members, but then something happens and it wasn’t what you were expecting from them.
XIV - You’re my hero
° One of the following must be included in this prompt: Handler, Guide, Guardian
° Draw about your kuku following in the footsteps of its hero. Was it trying to mimic the hero’s adventures, or it was following it in its everyday life, hidden somewhere?
Everyone had a hero when they were young- Kukuri’s are no exception to the tradition!
XV - Unstoppable
° One of the following must be included in this prompt: Handler, Guide, Guardian
° Draw or write about a time when your handler/parent managed to block its miniature from escaping. Was it a feeble attempt at success, or was it a massive win?
It’s well known that it can be a difficult feat to block a hyperactive mini kuku. Time is wasted and vases are knocked in every direction!
XVI - Baby Training
° One of the following must be included in this prompt: Handler, Guide
° Draw or write your handler attempting to teach a kukuri the basics of parental care. Are they a natural, or do they keep dropping the replacement for an actual kiddo? For example it can be a flour sack, or a beloved plushie -but it cannot be an actual living being.
Nothing like preparing a young parent for raising a baby then giving them a crying sack of flour or doll to take care of. Or maybe an egg, just be careful not to crack it!
XVII - Babysitter
° One of the following must be included in this prompt: Other Kukuri (Puppy)
° Draw or write about your kukuri looking after a nest themselves. Perhaps the parent is confident enough to leave them alone, or maybe they’re waiting to jump in and help any moment.
° Parent/starter is not required but the kukuri puppy must be fully visible.
The best way to learn to take care of your own screaming muppets one day is to take care of the other's young puppies for a few hours.
XVIII - New family
° One of the following must be included in this prompt: Handler, Guide, Guardian
° Draw or write about how your kuku found a new family. Was it a happy welcome, or was it forced by events?
Life is full of unexpected events, and some may force you to leave your family to join a new one.
XIX - King or the Peasant?
° One of the following must be included in this prompt: Another Kukuri
° Draw or write how your kukuri asserted itself growing up - were they the pompous type to always kick others down, or were they always the one backing down and submissive?
There’s always a pecking order, and it determines who gets first dibs and who gets the leftovers. Is your kukuri on top lording over their loaf, or getting pushed around just a bit too much even by the new pups?
O-XX - Limitless
° One of the following must be included in this prompt: Handler, Guide, Guardian
° Draw or write your Kukuri experiencing kickback from either their own actions or due to features they were born with.
Everyone has different limits and strengths. Sometimes finding them can be a harsh kick in the teeth. Did an Orthrus maybe realize that snapping at one another was a bad idea? Did a particularly fluffy kukuri overheat in a hunt? Maybe a sphynx got frost bite for the first time. How did they get around this weakness?
XXI - Recall Training
° One of the following must be included in this prompt: Handler, Guide
° Draw or write your kukuri learning recall with their handler. Do they catch on right away? Or maybe don’t recognize their call? Maybe their handler plays hide and seek, hiding and calling to them?
Kukuri need a name and a way to be called to their handlers. Ensuring that a kukuri will come when called or signaled over is important for their safety, but it can take time for them to recognize when they're being called.
XXII - Tradition
° One of the following must be included in this prompt: Handler, Guide, Guardian
° Draw or write about your Kukuri participating in the cultural traditions of their loaf or handler. Do they hold a festival for the first berry harvest of the season? Must they journey to the top of a peak for their coming of age ceremony? Perhaps each youth takes a trophy from their first kill and wears it for their entire life? Or maybe the have been exiled from the loaf and are painted red to symbolize the blood of their kin, before being thrown into the desert with only their wits and a sharp knife.
All civilized society is built upon rules. Adherence to cultural traditions is expected by those part of the group and the rituals themselves often hold deep meaning. They form an important part of life events such as coming of age, celebrations, or grief, and may also be present in daily habits or adornments.
XXIII - Acts of Kindness
° One of the following must be included in this prompt: Handler, Guide, Guardian
° Draw or write your Kukuri helping with something which most wouldn't want to, but they do anyway. Did you help someone carry a heavy boulder, bring food to the ill at the risk of getting ill yourself, or save pups from burning building? Go harvest food in pouring rain?
When living with others it's important to pull your own weight! Sometimes however it's equally important to lend a helping hand to those in need.
XXIV - What it Takes to Survive
° One of the following must be included in this prompt: N/A
° Draw or write about your kukuri getting caught in the act of stealing food in city or rural area(no forests). Do they sneak off and outwit the owners by the skin of their teeth, or do they get caught and punished? This prompt can feature a kukuri at any stage in their life. (stupid young pups to experienced adults who got unlucky)
Foraging is hard enough, but in the cities in such closed up areas, gathering food can be a nightmare. Not all kukuris can escape the scene of their crime or the traps set out by others to catch repeat offenders.
XX - Size IS All!
° One of the following must be included in this prompt: Handler, Guide, Guardian
° Draw or write your Kukuri learning to use their size for their advantage, for example being able to fit in mysterious holes to retrieve valuables or catch small prey, or maybe evading bigger enemies!
Being small is not all about disadvantages, sometimes because you're small you're perfectly built for the job!
XXI - No job too big
° One of the following must be included in this prompt: Handler, Guide, Guardian
° Draw or write your kukuri completing a task that is far too big for just themselves! Maybe getting a fruit from a tall tree, stealing cookies off the counter, making a long journey, or climbing a difficult hill!
Sometimes the world is a big place, and being smaller than other kukuris means you sometimes struggle because of the largeness of your task. How do you handle a task too big for just your little self? Do you ask for help from your trusty friends or your handler? Do you quit? Do you muscle through?
Post your training to Training completion when done!