Retrieval Training

You need to provide 2 prompts to finish this training.

This training is about finding things from the nature and knowing the value of objects, thus fitting kukuris both with and without handlers. By completing this training your kukuri gets a permanent +5% bonus to all activities, and gains +1SP.

If your Kukuri completes Retrieval Training, it cannot do Heavy Load Training.

If your kukuri was born infertile (not labeled as acquired), It may learn both Heavy Load Training, and Retrieval training.


1. A handler/guide is one of non-Kukuri species taking care of a Kukuri.

2. Guardian is any Kukuri which includes starters. A guardian can not be trained in the said training entry it's portrayed in. When using a Kukuri owned by someone else, it's often good manners to ask the person are they okay with their Kukuri being used!

3. Link all the Kukuris visible in the training in the description.


1. At least 75% of the Kukuri must be visible and in the scene

2. A parent/handler must be at least 50% visible. The prompt will specify which one is required. If it does not specify, either one can be used.

3. The image must be fairly clean, colored, shaded, and have a shaded background. Backgrounds should have at least 3 hand drawn elements not including the ground or sky (ex: rocks, vines, animals, etc)


1. The story must be at least 1200 words

2. Every additional kukuri requires an additional +500 words, meaning two kukuri would require 1700 words, and three kukuri 2200 words.

Submit your trainings toTraining completion when done!


I - Quality Over Quantity

° One of the following must be included in this prompt
: Handler, Guide, Guardian
° Draw or write your kukuri examining two same kind of items with differing qualities with either their parent or handler. Do they instinctively seem to just pick the tarnished relics, or have the eye for the shining to begin with?
Learning how to tell if an items is bad or ruined, and which are in prime condition is critical during foraging.

II - Let It Go

° One of the following must be included in this prompt
: Handler, Guide, Guardian
° Draw or write your kukuri trying to decide out of multiple items what to pick with them. Did it make them sad to leave something behind, or did they make a bad choice of dragging down coal and leaving crystals there?
A kukuri can only hold so much at a time and sometimes has to decide on what items to bring back and what to leave behind.

III - The Family Secret

° One of the following must be included in this prompt
: Handler, Guide, Guardian
° Draw or write your kukuri's handler/parent showing some kind of special place to get stuff from, maybe it is a very profitable tunnel, maybe a place where people dump stuff, or maybe just a place where birds fight a lot and there's lot of feather available!
All of us have that uncle that has the BEST fishing spot. Sometimes someone from your family, be it biological or adopted by handlers, just know a certain knack for some areas.

IV - Realize Your Limits

° One of the following must be included in this prompt
: Handler, Guide, Guardian
° Draw or Write your Kukuri being stuck - either they crawled to old tree trunk only to realize it was a horrible mistake, or maybe they were climbing a cliff side and part of it crumbled down? Or maybe they climbed to a too tall tree?
It's important to search every nook and cranny, but sometimes you can get so focused on the prize that you don't realize the way to there is not... optimal.

V - Totally Legal Origins

° One of the following must be included in this prompt
: Handler, Guide, Guardian
° Draw or Write about a time your kukuri stealing something valuable, be it from a shop, museum, or ancient catacomb. Did you make it out sneakily, did you have to run from a rogue ball of stone, or leave the scene gunz blazing?
Sometimes there are... Other ways of obtaining items than finding them.

VI - You Must Be The New Guy

° One of the following must be included in this prompt
: Handler, Guide, Guardian
° Draw or Write about a time your Kukuri failed to bring back their loot due to inexperience. Did the goldenthorn wilt and drop all its petals on the way? Or perhaps the powdered ice didn't stay frozen for as long as they thought it would. Or did you get caught in middle of the journey?
Sometimes it's not finding the treasure that's the hard part, but rather transporting it back to your home or market.

VII - I Don't Need a Potion For This

° One of the following must be included in this prompt
: Handler, Guide, Guardian
° Draw or Write your Kukuri using one of it's senses to find treasure. Did they smell a rare flower or iron ore in the air underground? Hear a song of the rare bird to find it's fallen feathers?
Some of us are just blessed with keen senses that go way beyond what others have. It's all about putting it to a good use!

VIII - Bushcraft

° One of the following must be included in this prompt
: Handler, Guide, Guardian
° Draw or Write about your Kukuri harvesting a hidden item. Do they know how to tap a tree for maple sap? Perhaps they are gathering water from the inside of a cactus? Or maybe their years of hunting have taught them how to gather and utilize sinew?
Those who live in the wilds are adept at survival because they know where to find all kinds of useful items in unusual ways.

IX - Keep What Is Yours

° One of the following must be included in this prompt
: Handler, Guide, Guardian
° Draw or Write your Kukuri protecting their cache of new or old valuables from thieves.
If you want it, there's a good chance someone else wants it as well.

X - What Are You Willing To Do

° One of the following must be included in this prompt
: Handler, Guide, Guardian
° Draw or Write your Kukuri weathering through storms or scaling hard terrain to get what they desire.
Most rare things don't go easy, some frogs only appear in the heavy rain, and some flowers only grow on highest of mountains, and some cities just no-one would otherwise willingly step a foot in.

Post your training to Training completion when done!