Kukuri Coat Colors
A kukuri's genotype always starts with its coat color, and the letters which make up its coat color are Aa, Ee, Oo, and Xx. The different combinations of these letters
determine which coat color your kukuri has, meaning a kukuri can have any of 11 base coat colors: common are Crimson, Hazel, and Amber; uncommon are
Pearl, Raven, Velvet Crimson, Velvet Hazel, Ebon Crimson, and Ebon Hazel; rare are Jade and Azure.
But don't worry about remembering them all, the phenotype will tell you precisely what color your kukuri is!
Crimson ★
Crimson Base Coat

Crimson base coat can go to the pink side as well, as long as it does not resemble Velvet base coats. The value still has to match the Crimson base coat slider!
Crimson Marking Colors

Hazed Crimson Base Coat

Hazed Marking Colors

Melanism Crimson Base Coat

Melanism Marking Colors

Hazel ★
Hazel Base Coat

Hazel Marking Colors

Hazed Hazel Base Coat

Hazed Marking Colors

Melanism Hazel Base Coat

Melanism Marking Colors

Amber ★
Amber Base Coat

Amber Marking Colors

Hazed Amber Base Coat

Hazed Marking Colors

Melanism Amber Base Coat

Melanism Marking Colors

Ebon Crimson & Ebon Hazel ★★
Ebon Crimson Base Coat

Ebon Hazel Base Coat

If an Ebon Crimson or Ebon Hazel kukuri has an Azure or Jade parent, they can also take marking colors from the 'Azure Parent' and 'Jade Parent' sliders, respectively.
Ebon Marking Colors

Hazed Ebon Crimson Base Coat

Hazed Ebon Hazel Base Coat

Hazed Marking Colors

Melanism Ebon Crimson Base Coat

Melanism Ebon Hazel Base Coat

Melanism Marking Colors

Velvet Crimson & Velvet Hazel ★★
Velvet Crimson Base Coat

Velvet Hazel Base Coat

If an Velvet Crimson or Velvet Hazel kukuri has an Azure or Jade parent, they can also take marking colors from the 'Azure Parent' and 'Jade Parent' sliders, respectively.
Velvet Marking Colors

Hazed Velvet Crimson Base Coat

Hazed Velvet Hazel Base Coat

Hazed Marking Colors

Melanism Velvet Crimson Base Coat

Melanism Velvet Hazel Base Coat

Melanism Marking Colors

Raven & Pearl ★★
Pearl Base Coat

Raven Base Coat

If a Pearl or Raven kukuri has an Azure or Jade parent, they can also take marking colors from the 'Azure Parent' and 'Jade Parent' sliders, respectively.
Pearl / Raven Marking Colors

Hazed Pearl Base Coat

Hazed Raven Base Coat

Hazed Marking Colors

Melanism Pearl Base Coat

Melanism Raven Base Coat

Melanism Marking Colors

Azure & Jade ★★★
Azure Base Coat

Jade Base Coat

Azure / Jade Marking Colors

Hazed Azure Base Coat

Hazed Jade Base Coat

Hazed Marking Colors

Melanism Azure Base Coat

Melanism Jade Base Coat

Melanism Marking Colors

Marking Colors
The marking sliders above are a guide as to which colors are allowed for each base coat type. You CAN stray from the sliders and pick colors similar to them - for example, light reds and pinks are allowed marking and free area colors to all base coats, despite those colors not appearing on the sliders! Brightness can vary from white to black, and saturation can also vary provided the markings don't become overly saturated. Only the markings Candied and Iridescent allow for over-saturation of base coats and markings.

Coat Color Genes
What do the letters mean?
If both letters are small (aa) then the coat color gene is not present. A big letter and a small letter (Aa) means the coat color gene is present in its recessive form. Two big letters (AA) means the coat color gene is present in its dominant form. Whether a coat color gene is recessive or dominant doesn't change how it looks; dominant simply means it is more likely to be inherited by the offspring. Aa or AA means crimson is present. Ee or EE means hazel is present. Xx or XX means raven is present. Oo or OO means pearl is present. These coat color genes can be inherited in combination, meaning a kukuri can have any of 11 base coat colors: common are Crimson, Hazel, and Amber; uncommon are Pearl, Raven, Velvet Crimson, Velvet Hazel, Ebon Crimson, and Ebon Hazel; rare are Jade and Azure.
What are the combinations?
Aa/ee is crimson. aa/Ee is hazel. Aa/Ee combines crimson and hazel to create amber. Aa/ee/Xx combines crimson and raven to create ebon crimson. aa/Ee/Xx combines hazel and raven to create ebon hazel. Aa/ee/Oo combines crimson and pearl to create velvet crimson. aa/Ee/Oo combines hazel and pearl to create velvet hazel. Aa/Ee/Xx combines crimson, hazel and raven to create azure. Aa/Ee/Oo combines crimson, hazel and pearl to create jade.
What does Hazed mean?
Hazed (nHz/HzHz) is a color modification gene! It desaturates the coat and markings. If you have a geno with Haze then you should pick your coat color from the corresponding Hazed sliders! Haze can be completely desaturated as well, so if you prefer the look of grey over the duller colors, you may choose to use those hues. But note that you can not make a Hazed hazel a bright grey just as you cannot make a hazed pearl nearly black! Hazed within a genotype might look like the following: Aa/Ee/nHz/nH might have a phenotype of "Hazed Amber with Hood" or "Amber with Haze and Hood". Both mean the same thing! Most often times, Hazed will appear in front of the color for ease of reading.
What is Candied?
Candied (nCd/CdCd) is, just like Haze, a color modification gene. However Candied is a bit more unique. You may choose to have Candied affect the kukuri's basecoat. However, Candied does not have a slider (with exception to raven and pearl). This is because Candied allows you to freely saturate, pastel, or desaturate the basecoat as you wish. This means your crimson kukuri may appear bright fire engine red, or it can be a soft pastel pink depending on which you prefer. Candied however does not affect everything on the kukuri like Haze does. Depending on if it's dominant or not, Candied can only affect the basecoat or 1 marking (non-dominant) up to the basecoat and 3 marking (dominant).
Jaded and Azured
Jaded and Azured are considered Color abberations. This means they are not free to use, rather, they can appear in certain breeding circumstances similar to a mutation.
Jaded and Azured appear when a common colored (hazel, crimson, amber) kukuri with a rare colored (Jade, azure) parent inherits some of its parent's pigmentation. This abberation doesn't pass down generations, it is not inheritable past a single kukuri.
Jaded will appear from a jade parent, and Azured from a azure one. Having one jade parent and one azure parent can potentially result in one or both.
Jaded and Azured will be listed similar to if a marking has become non inheritable. That being, it will be listed in the phenotype, closed in brackets.
Example of a jaded geno
Prairie Kukuri - Female - Healthy
[Jaded] Hazel with Underbelly, Flank and Magma
Regular ears, Devil Horns
Dynasty Feathers
Nocturnal, Carnivore
Jaded/Azured Colors

Example of Jaded and Azured
Below is an example of Jaded and Azured on a hazel. Azured is affecting Banding, where Jaded is affecting Underbelly.

Jaded and Azured can appear together! A kukuri will have one or both.
Azured/Jaded is optional, so a [Jaded] Ebon Crimson or an [Azured] Hazel can still use normal colours if they want to.