Eye Colours
Iris Colors
A kukuri's eye color is inherited from either of its the parents. If a parent has two different colored eyes, either can be chosen. If a kukuri has no parents marked in their lineage (for example, they are hatched from an egg), then their eye color will inherit from either grandparent. Eye color does not have to be color picked, but should be similar in hue to the parent; for example, yellow eyes should appear yellow, not too orange and not too green. The eye color of the parents can't be mixed together; for example, if one parent has blue eyes and the other parent has red eyes, the offspring can not have purple eyes. The eye color can be desaturated, but can not appear completely white, black or grey without this being the parent's eye color. The eye color can't be highly saturated unless the parent's eye is highly saturated, or the kukuri has the Luminescent or Iridescent gene. Certain traits such as the Heterochromia or Chimera mutations or the Piebald marking, allows the kukuri to have two different eye colors. These eye colors must be inherited from both parents. The Albino and Melanism mutations alter a kukuri's eye color. Offspring of an Albino or Melanistic kukuri can take their eye color from either parent (including the albino/melanistic parent) or the parent of the albino/melanstic parent. The eyeless mutation removes a kukuri's eyes completely. Offspring of an eyeless kukuri can take their eye color from the eyed parent or the parents of the eyeless parent. If both parents are eyeless, eye color can be taken from the grandparents.Sclera Colours
A kukuri's eyes can show their sclera, but this is not mandatory. Most kukuris have white sclera, but can have black sclera if a member of the kukuri's visible lineage also has black sclera. If you want your kukuri to have black sclera, this should both be visible on the import and listed in the import information after eye color. For example:'Eyecolor: Orange, black sclera' Kukuri can not have any other colored sclera.

Pupil Shapes
A kukuri can only have round or slit-shaped pupils.
Eye Accents
It's possible to create small characteristic accents around the eye that are as dark as the lineart, provided it falls inside the range of minimal black and white allowances. This black can extend slightly inside the eye to create eyelid or eyelash accents - but make sure not to fill too much of the eye. Actual eyelid edits or changing the shape of the eye lineart can only be done using a Scroll of Modification from The Shop.

Mouth Colours
A kukuri's mouth color is inherited from either of its the parents or can be one of the six free mouth colours: pink, red, peach, orange, gray, or grayish blue.
- Chimera mutation allows two completely different mouth colors, where both have to be either inherited from parents or taken from the free common mouth colors
- Piebald/Koi/Ink allows a lighter or darker color to appear on the mouth, when the marking goes across the mouth
- Gradient affected Luminescent can color the mouth with the same colors as they appear on the body If the parent has two mouth colors (such as in the case of chimera), the offspring can not inherit both colors; it must be one or the other.