

Haze is a color modifier and does not make its own markings!

Haze desaturates the kukuri's whole coat and all of their markings. Haze does not change the value rules of markings, meaning if a marking requires a darker value, that marking should still remain darker. Hazed may completely desaturate the coat.
To see Hazed's color sliders, check the Coat colors page!

There are points where the original base color can faintly show through, but those areas a subtle.

Haze also affects ALL free areas, this includes hands, feet, horns and ears.

This image can be colorpicked for rough saturation limits with showthrough!

Dominant Haze (HzHz) allows its markings to retain normal saturation. The basecoat will always be affected by Haze however.

The following markings are NOT affected by Haze:

Candied, Magma, (dom) Foam, Stargaze, Crested, Heart, Luminescent, Iridescent, Mosaic, Eidos.

Showthrough edge allowances


A Guide to Haze

Hazed color must be picked from the Hazed sliders or should be completely desaturated.

Showthrough Rules

Haze Showthrough on Prairies

Showthrough on Prairies may impact their feathers and natural mane.

You do not need to affect all or any of these areas if you choose. You can affect the head feathers and leave the rest of the feathers desaturated if wanted!

Haze on Markings

Haze can be presented in a few different ways.

Markings show some color

Markings can show some color. Above (left) is the highest saturation level colors can reach!

Mix of Saturations

Markings can be different levels of saturation, ranging from grey-scale to the highest saturation allowed by Haze. You do not need to stick with only greyscale or only saturated!

Comple greyscale

Lastly, you can entirely desaturate every marking and the basecoat, making an all grey kukuri!

Dominant Haze

When Haze is dominant (HzHz) it allows markings to retain normal saturation. This means you can have normal red socks on an otherwise grey kukuri.

Haze will still always affect the basecoat, regardless of if its dominant or not.

Existing Examples of Haze

Recessive (nHz)

Dominant (HzHz)

Colorful Rare markings are not Affected by Haze!

Marks such as Eidos, Iridescent, Mosaic, etc.