
This mutation behaves quite uniquely, impacting a single marking and making it appear dominant.

It is important to note that this mutation does not actually cause a marking to become dominant. It only mimics the appearance of a dominant mark.


Faux can affect any marking on the kukuri; rarity doesnt matter meaning if you have a faux kukuri with eidos, you may affect the eidos! Similarly you can choose to affect a common marking instead. Its entirely up to you.

If your kukuri has no markings or all of their markings are already dominant, the Faux will instead show on the minimal black and white. This allows you to ignore the coverage limits, using the whole pink range of the marking guide instead of only the blue one. It also permits you to use any marking color allowed by the base, meaning you can use reds on a crimson rather than black or white! Remember that the saturation must still be within the rules as well.

You may use a max of 5 colors when Faux affects Minimal Black and white! This includes the original permitted black and white shades if you choose to use them

To the right you can see an example of Faux affecting minimal black and white.

Let's use the kukuri on the right as an example for Faux affecting the markings. This is the design without Faux.

The kukuri's phenotype is: Collared Glazed Amber with Hood and Ink.

The next image is an example of Faux affecting Glaze OR Ink.

Faux cannot affect more than one marking, the last image is an example of what NOT to do!

Existing Examples of Faux

none yet!